Happy New Year to all!
Each year I am proud to announce this opportunity for students and residents interested in rehabilitative vision care. NORA has been hugely influential to the way I practice and I love that we have taken steps to make the meeting more accessible for students. I attended my first NORA Meeting in Boston in 2004 and was one of 2 students there. I was a 3rd year Optometry student who was ready and eager to learn. NORA introduced me to the idea that we, as Optometrists, are only a small piece to the puzzle that most patients need. Being aware of and respectful of the multitude of needs a person may need in a rehabilitative situation has allowed me to help people much more completely. I was instrumental in forming the grant program for students and have been the chair of the committee for the past 9 years. It has been a wonderfully satisfying 9 years to have helped so many students become a part of NORA! I am looking forward to another wonderful year.
For application information please visit the NORA Grant Info Tab of my website and for general information on NORA and to make hotel arrangements please visit the NORA website and follow the links there.
Please never hesitate to contact me directly with questions or concerns.
Dr. Lane
PS – Please share this information with any student interested in rehabilitative vision care. NORA is a multidisciplinary organization that routinely welcomes occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech therapists, chiropractors and many others.
PSS – The deadline for application submission is March 1, 2015.