Every person I see is struggling in some way. Parents often ask me, “Why is my child not developing easily?” or “Why does my child have a hard time behaving well?” These are very tough questions and there is not one magic answer or one magic cure for the struggles I see with my patients. One of my consistent answers is that it doesn’t necessary help us to look backward to find what the original cause was but our energy must be spent moving forward to provide experiences that will help improve development and behavior. Even though I am an eye doctor and the visual process is my specialty, I find myself encouraging parents to investigate whole body dysfunction that is contributing to the visual symptoms their children are experiencing. The recommendations, from the practitioners I refer to, consistently involve strategies to regulate gut function and improve the detoxification pathways of the body. These practitioners may speculate where the dysfunction arose from but also emphasize the need to move forward with treatment, not backward to a place of regretting the decisions made previously.
Why are so many people struggling with gut function and detoxification? Could it be the quality of the food? Could it be antibiotic use? Could it be the number of vaccinations a child received? Could it be genetic? It could be many things.
A film has recently been released that discusses aspects of the research done around vaccines and the recommended schedule of dosing. The information that has been previously available to help practitioners make decisions has been manipulated. We owe it to our children to move forward in the investigation of what is safe and make future decisions with the best possible information available.
The film “VAXXED: from cover up to catastrophe” (www.vaxxedthemovie.com ) is showing in New Jersey this summer. I encourage everyone to see it. We may need to reexamine what is safe for your children.
Following is a list of the showings available in New Jersey. Each showing requires a certain number of presale tickets to run. Please reserve your tickets and share with family and friends!
Blackwood: July 20th http://gathr.us/screening/15797
Cherry Hill: August 9th http://gathr.us/screening/15689
Hoboken: August 9th http://gathr.us/screening/16186
Wayne: August 9thhttp://gathr.us/screening/16156
Marlton: August 10th http://gathr.us/screening/15844
Eatontown August 15th http://gathr.us/screening/16318
Mays Landing: August 23rd http://gathr.us/screening/16157
Brick: September 6th http://gathr.us/screening/16003
Linden: September 14th http://gathr.us/screening/15792
I hope you find this information helpful. If you would like further information and resources to continue your investigation into how to help a struggling child, please feel free comment here Vaccine practices are not the only area of concern but until we have better answers, no stone can be left unturned.
In health and healing,
Dr. Lane